Good Shepherd is a congregation that loves to worship, welcomes people with no exceptions, and is committed to serving our neighbors both near and far.
Sundays, 9:30 AM, In-Person or Watch on YouTube
Wednesdays in Lent, 7 pm Lenten Worship. 2024 Lenten brochure here. (2025 brochure coming in Jan.)
Our Mission:
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, as disciples of Christ, Good Shepherd is called to be a welcoming community where our words and actions serve as a witness to God’s inclusive and saving love. We are compelled by this inclusive love of God revealed in Jesus Christ to welcome and give full affirmation to people of all identities, including those who may have been excluded because of other human distinctions, such as race, age, culture, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, addictions, ability, disability, family structure, economic status, or neurodiversity. We pledge to ourselves and to all others to live as reconciling people committed to cultivating a space where God’s love can flourish by healing relationships, creating racial equity through anti racism, and seeking a deeper understanding of all our siblings in Christ. This includes people who identify as LGBTQIA+, Black, Brown, Indigenous, or a Person of Color (BIPOC). As God’s people, we strive to be a force for good in the world and declare “All Are Welcome.” We invite you to come and visit us!
Good Shepherd is a Reconciling in Christ congregation.
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