April 22, 1956
Sunday School organized at Upper Merion Township Building on Route 202 at the corner of Allendale Road. The Sunday School was organized by members of Trinity Church, Norristown
September 1956
Worship serviced began in the Township Building by the Rev. Orval Hartman of the Board of American Missions
April 21, 1957
Easter Day, formal service of organization. A congregation is born.
May 15, 1957
The Rev. Martin Acker called as the first pastor.
January 20, 1959
The present site was purchased.
August 27, 1961
Worship services were moved from the Township Building to the Allstate Insurance Company building, Old Eagle School Road, Wayne, PA
December 24, 1961
Christmas Eve worship services held for the first time in our own building, the present Fellowship Hall.
April 27, 1969
Dedication of the present church building
September 1989
Good Shepherd Preschool opens its doors.
January 1991
Fellowship Hall and the church buildings were expanded to include classrooms for our nursery school and an expanded church building (music suite, church nursery and library.)
June 2011
Capital appeal enables much needed upgrades to the property including the purchase of a new organ and the landscaping of the property.
Pastors of Good Shepherd:
Martin L. Acker
June 9, 1957 – January 31, 1963
Earl T. Knaus, Jr.
October 1, 1964 – August 31, 1970
William M. deHeyman
January 1, 1971 – November 23, 1983
Gregory Wenhold
November 18, 1984 – March 26, 1995
James Kroninger (as an Assisting Pastor)
December 1, 1993 – October 21, 1995
James Kroninger
October 22, 1995 – February 28, 1999
Robert L. Berger
September 17, 2000 – August 22, 2004
Kristie L. Chandler
July 16, 2007 – February 21, 2010
Julie DeWerth
June 1, 2010 – Present