We joyfully invite you to join us for worship any Sunday at 9:30 AM In-Person or Watch on YouTube
Christmas Eve Services 5 pm, 7 pm, 9 pm
You don’t have to check who you are at the door. You are a beloved child of God, just as you are. We believe we are loved unconditionally by God. We seek to love each other the same way.
Here at Good Shepherd, we have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Please, make yourself at home. Below is a helpful guide of the flow you can expect to experience when you join us on Sunday morning from when you pull into the parking lot, getting around the church buildings, following along in worship, and the all-important coffee bar.
Enter the large parking lot, accessible from both Valley Forge and Henderson Roads. Handicapped spaces are available.
Entering the church building through the red doors, you’ll see the lobby area. Restrooms are through the lobby and down the left hallway on either side of the water fountain, and a family/handicapped bathroom is on the opposite, left wall. In the Education building, restrooms are located through the glass doors, directly down the hall on the left side.
Handicap Accessible
There are handicapped parking spaces near the entrances to both buildings. In the church building, a handicapped bathroom is down the left hallway on the left wall near the water fountain.
Coffee Bar
If you have a few minutes to spare before worship begins, stop by the coffee bar in the lobby — to the right of the red front doors — there is also tea and light snacks. Coffee runs all morning.
Worship Services
Worship happens in the sanctuary directly through the lobby. Sit anywhere and feel free to bring your children and your coffee with you. Our services include readings from the Bible and a message from our pastor. Everything you need to follow along with the worship services is printed in our all-inclusive worship program, and the pastor provides additional guidance and explanation throughout the service.
Our Worship Style
The heart of Christianity is love. Through worship, we come together to express our love and gratitude to God. We pray for guidance. Worship is a conversation between us, the worship leaders and God. We reflect on God’s love for us, and our love for God, for Jesus and for each other. Our liturgy (a set order of worship) moves and breathes. Through our bible-based liturgy and music from various times and cultures, we are connected to Christians in all places and times. We believe the Bible is a “living word”. It continues to speak God’s word to us today. It may also speak to each of us in different ways, at different times.
Holy Communion
All are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Communion is shared each week, at worship services. We offer communion in both forms; grape juice and gluten-free wafers are available.
We love children. They have a central place in worship at GS. Children of all ages are encouraged to participate in the service at their level. Children are invited up front during services for a mini talk with the pastor. The talk explains that day’s Bible reading in a fun and easy-to-understand way. Parents may accompany shy children up front for this talk. Children may also volunteer to be a part of the team that leads worship. If your child has a hard time sitting through a service, feel free to bring a quiet activity with you that your child can do while sitting next to you.
Nursery Care
Another option, if your child finds it difficult to sit through a full worship service, we do have an un-staffed nursery room for your convenience, across the hall from the sanctuary. From there, you can still see and hear the service on a TV monitor.
We sing hymns, accompanied by organ or piano and the choir. Special musical ensembles, including our bell choir, orchestra, and many individuals play and sing at various worship services through the year.
Passing the Peace
Before the offering time, join us for a moment to greet each other with a sign of peace. You may shake hands or wave to those who have been seated around you. You can also use this time to move around and greet others. Share the love! It’s a great way for us to connect during the service.
Education Hour (a.k.a. Sunday School and Adult Forum)
Sunday School for Children and Youth currently meets once each month during the school year. You may contact the office for the dates. If you are bringing your child to Sunday School for the first time, please contact either of our Christian Education directors, Karen Lehman or Sue Groff. They will make sure you find the right classroom and meet you there to welcome you and introduce you to the class teachers.
Adult Sunday School meets during the school year, every Sunday after church (10:45 am) in the Library, and also via Zoom. Contact the church office for more details.
Baptisms (at any age) are celebrated during the Sunday worship services, surrounded by the loving welcome of our faith family.
Did We Mention Coffee?
There’s no need to rush off after the service.
Swing by the coffee bar for some hot coffee (or tea), a bit of food and of course lots of warm fellowship!
“Then all the people went away to eat and drink,
to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy,
because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.”
Nehemiah 8:12