Frequently asked Questions about Baptism at Good Shepherd
Do I need to be a member of Good Shepherd to be baptized?
No, you do not need to be a member, but we do ask that you worship with us. We baptize people into the community of Christ and ask that you be part of that community.
When do baptisms happen at Good Shepherd?
Baptisms happen during the worship service. Before the individual is baptized the worshipping community is asked if they will support the newly baptized in the faith. It is important that the community meet the newly baptized. The only time during the church year that we do not baptize is during the season of Lent. This is an ancient church practice. Baptisms are scheduled at a mutually convenient time for the family and church community.
Who can be a Godparent and how many may I have?
In our church we call godparents sponsors. You may have as many sponsors as you choose. They do not need to be Lutheran but we do ask that they be baptized Christians. The role of the sponsor is to help the parents raise the child in the Christian faith.
At what age does Good Shepherd baptize?
In the Lutheran church we practice infant baptism. In baptism God accepts us as his own. We believe that God loves us and accepts us before we can believe. This is an expression of unconditional love and God’s acceptance of us. This does not, however, mean that we don’t baptize older children and adults as well. For a variety of reasons, there are people who have not been baptized. We gladly baptize anyone at any age!
Do I need to be baptized again if I was baptized in a church other than the Lutheran church?
No. People are not baptized into a particular denomination. Most global Christian faiths (Roman Catholic and other protestant denominations) recognize each other’s baptism. It doesn’t matter if is was done when the person was an infant, a child or an adult. Neither does it matter if water was sprinkled from a small font or in a river. All are accepted.
If you are interested in exploring baptism at Good Shepherd, please contact Pastor Julie DeWerth at